P.S He Loves You | My eBook

A year ago, I wrote and self-published my very first e-book. Writing is a passion of mine (hence, the blog!) and especially writing that is focused on inspiring and encouraging women....to be all we can be, to know how loved we are by God, to know how valuable we are, to know our dreams matter and we are precious! And so, I decided to compile some letters -- from my heart to yours -- in devotional style, to inspire + encourage you.

 "darling friend, you are loved. you are treasured. you are worth more than diamonds. he wants you to bloom, to fly, to become all you can be. he wants you to be happy. he wants you to be treated right. he wants to heal you, redeem you, bless you. you are a gem. do not listen to the lies they whisper. go out there & shine! do not settle, do not fear. you are always enough. you are never too much. 
your dreams are beautiful, your passions mean something. jump, fly, be fearless. you are beautiful, because he loves you. get it girl." 
- excerpt from "P.S. He Loves You" 

Purchase the book: HERE 

** please note, the book is an e-book at this time -- it will be emailed to you in a PDF file and you can read it on your computer, mobile device, tablet, iPad, etc :) 

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* 11 letters from my heart
*39 pages + photos + art

Sneak Peeks: 

Table of Contents...

Preview of a few pages....

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