i'll see you on the internet

Yesterday morning I landed at LAX, my hair a mess and my heart full. Back to home sweet Los Angeles after a whirling, crazy busy, beautiful 5 days in Indianapolis for Influence Conference. I'm encouraged, inspired, wrecked, healed, exhausted, and smiling. Serving as a community leader, speaking to the single ladies in a workshop, and just soaking in truth as I sipped coffee with 300+ of the best women on planet earth. 

I have few words tonight. But lots of pictures. 

Truly, Influence Conference this year blew me away. I have so so much I learned that I want to share with you. So many precious, sweet, breaking, healing moments. So many truths whispered and shouted and sweet, sweet tears shed. I think we all left a bit more tender and stronger than we came. 

The days flew by and goodbyes came all too soon. As I hugged one of the wisest women I know, Kerrie Williams, she squeezed my neck and said "See you on the internet.." 
And for some reason, emotion welled up in my throat. And I realized how thankful I am for this community. For the internet. People often say the internet is a bad thing, but we at Influence Network think it can be a very, very good thing. Blogs are powerful platforms and I was reminded afresh how significant our words are and how precious this online sisterhood is. We can change this world for Jesus on our blogs. And it blows me away. The people we meet on the internet may not live near us. But we will spend eternity together in Heaven someday, and it is just one of the sweetest things ever to think about. 

Tonight, I am thankful. 

Sharing a few of my favorite moments from Influence Conference.... more to come later. 

// my workshop - pic stolen from annie // 

Had an amazing opportunity to film my friend Haley Castille's show Jertsey's N Heels at the Indianapolis Colts complex! The team took off for Jacksonville, and we had the most fun filming in the locker room, on the practice fields, etc! It was so so exciting for this football loving-girl to be a part of!! I'll share more about it soon :) 

Hugs to you today, friend. You are LOVED.