You Are Seen + Loved


You are seen. In the silence, in the darkness, in the waiting. In the pain. When you open another pretty white envelope and read the words “you’re invited to the wedding of....” and your heart just sinks with loneliness. You are seen. When you see a pregnancy announcement pop up on your feed and an actual dagger pierces somewhere very deep in your soul. You are seen. When you see a happy family of three stroll by hand in hand, as you shoulder single mothering alone. You are seen. When you put on a smile to hide the dark depression caving in on you. You’re seen. When you stand in your kitchen and fight through a panic attack alone, gasping and shaking. You are seen. When you add up the bills and there’s too much month at the end of the paycheck, again. You are seen. When your sweet baby won’t stop screaming and you don’t think you can endure another night with no sleep. You are seen. ⁣When you... when you.... 💓⁣
I know you’re there, in the corners, in the shadows, in the silence. For every happy, shiny, sunny, smiley post we encounter on Instagram, I know there are real-life mundane moments, for us all, when we face pain, loneliness, longing, fighting secret or unknown battles. ⁣⁣
You are not forgotten, even though you may feel you are. You are seen and held, you are known, and most of all, you are loved. 💓 ⁣⁣
“But 𝘏𝘦 knows where I am going... I will come out as pure as gold.” (Job 23:10) ⁣

💞 sweatshirt from my shop, here !