Meet My Boy, Weston Joel

Besides my relationship with Jesus, being a wife and mama is my most cherished calling and sacred role. So, it seems fitting that the first post on Graceful Womanhood, my newly renovated "home" is about the most important people in my life -- my man and my boy! I am one blessed mama. The Lord so kindly answered many years of prayers and brought to fruition some really sweet dreams He placed in my little girl heart, years ago, and it's been a really special season. I've just been soaking it up. It hasn't come without challenges, struggles, and trials. But, in it all He is so good. 

Y'all have met my little baby boy on Instagram, but officially here on the Internet, meet Weston Joel Morris. My blue eyed dream. Born on June 23, 2016, he is our treasure and truly the happiest, sweetest little soul in the world. Just love my little family! 


(newborn photoshoot credit: ally michelle) 

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